About Project ProFreshional
Project ProFreshional is TOC's barber program and shop founded by Quincy Guidry, or "G", as he is affectionately called by his TOC colleagues and students/alumni. G, a barber for over 10 years, leverages his industry experience to build rapport with youth involved in the youth justice system and expose them to the barbering career pathway. Now as an Academic Coach at TOC, where he masterfully builds relationships with youth to help them understand the "why" behind their behaviors, G teaches two cohorts of Project ProFreshional during Final Hour, the center's enrichment hour. During these sessions, students learn about the science behind barbering, cutting techniques, business elements and more.
G is establishing Project ProFreshional as an accredited barber school through the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) at TOC so that once established, youth enrolled can become licensed barbers.